Friday, February 8, 2013

Assignment 3 and 4


Logic Model Explanation

The Teen Homework Help Program is conducted in partnership between Saskatoon’s Frontier College and the Saskatoon Public Library. The purpose of the program is to provide support to learners ages 12-18 through the use of volunteer tutors. There are three goals attached to the program. 1) Through one-to-one tutoring, volunteers will assist students who are having difficulty with reading, writing, math, comprehension, completing assignments and studying. 2) To match youth learners with volunteers from post-secondary institutions as well as dedicated community members. 3) To familiarize students with Saskatoon Public Library resources and services that can assist them in their studies.

The program is offered in seven of the Saskatoon Public Library’s eight locations. Trained, screened (by Frontier College) volunteer tutors are matched with registered (by Frontier College) students to meet at one of the libraries on specific days of the week at specific times. Seeing as the tutors are primarily university students, the program follows the U of S academic calendar and runs from October to March.

The evaluation assessment will be focused on the immediate results, or outputs of the program. In relation to the project activities, the evaluation will be seeking to assess the impact that the program has on student learning. This will entail tracking participant attendance and seeking evidence of improved academic grades and skills related to homework and studying. In addition, the assessment will be judging the opinions of teachers, parents, tutors, and participants themselves regarding the youth’s success.

Looking to the intermediate results of the program (1 to 3 years later), the outcomes are directly related to the effects on participants. It is the hope of those involved in the program that the youth have maintained their study habits and skills, that they have become patrons of the library and view it as a resource for their learning, and that the participants more readily seek community support when required.

The long-term impact of the Teen Homework Help Program is focused on the effects that the program has had on the community and the services it provides its youth. One of the positive impacts of the program will be an increase in community services that meet youth needs, providing them with opportunities for academic support, growth and development.

Click here for my Logic Model

Click here for the Program Evaluation Worksheet